CSE-666 Programming Assignment 01

Detailed exploration of facial detection and analysis in a comprehensive programming assignment.

Course Details

  • Course Number: CSE 666
  • Assignment: Programming Assignment-01
  • Professor: Nalini Ratha

Team Information

  • Student: Ronak Haresh Chhatbar
  • UBName: ronakhar
  • Teammates: Ronak Haresh Chhatbar

Tasks and Techniques in CSE666 Assignment

Overview of the tasks and the computational techniques applied in the programming assignment.

Task 1: Annotation

Utilized LabelMe to annotate 129 images with bounding boxes for facial detection.

Task 2: Face Detection

Employed the MTCNN model from the face-image-analysis repository to detect faces in the 'congress.jpg' image, successfully identifying 133 faces.

Task 3: Sentiment/Expression Analysis

Applied the face-emotion-recognition library with mobile_net7 model to analyze and classify facial expressions into categories such as anger, disgust, happiness, etc.

Task 4: Gender Classification

Implemented gender classification using the simple_CNN.81-0.96.hdf5 TensorFlow model, achieving notable precision and recall metrics.

Task 5: Face Pose Estimation

Conducted face pose estimation using the Rotation Representation for Unconstrained Head Pose Estimation library to determine the orientation of faces.

Task 6: Feature Extraction

Extracted facial features using the ARC-face model, producing embeddings for facial recognition.

Task 7: Face Recognition

Matched faces against a dataset of lawmakers using embeddings, labeling recognized individuals or marking as "Unknown".

Technology and Tools

  • LabelMe for Annotation
  • MTCNN for Face Detection
  • Face Emotion Recognition Library
  • TensorFlow for Gender Classification
  • Head Pose Estimation Library
  • ARC-face Model for Feature Extraction